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Central Florida Leadership Academy offers college prep academics, with students taking primary responsibility for their learning. More than 95 percent of CFLA graduates are expected to ultimately gain acceptance at four-year colleges (some following completion of a two-year college program), consistent with the schools on which CFLA is modeled.


The CFLA approach to education is based on the Hyde School model, which has been developed since 1966 at the Hyde boarding campuses in Bath, ME, and Woodstock, CT, and through public school initiatives in New Haven, CT, and Washington, DC. CFLA students are expected to master the Next Generation Sunshine State Educational Standards, with character development at the heart of the educational experience.


CFLA offers seven class periods each day, allowing students additional time in class and flexibility in selecting electives of their choice.

Academics: Section Title
Current Student Enrolled

Middle School

Capacity: 132 students

In addition to core subjects, CFLA offers middle school electives such as Art, Music, Performing Arts, Languages, Computers, Reading, Intensive Math, Peer Counseling and Leadership Skills, Speech and Debate, Creative Writing and Physical Education.

Graduates Of CFLA

High School

Capacity: 175 students

 CFLA offers all classes required for a four year college preparatory diploma. Students are also provided the opportunity to take on-line classes to advance their academics or explore areas of interest. A 100% high school graduation rate is expected each year.

Main School: 407.480.CFLA (407.480.2352)

427 N. Primrose Drive, Orlando, FL 32803

Follow Us!

Bell Schedule

M, T, Th, F  8:15AM - 3:15PM

Wed  8:15AM - 2:15PM


Before School Care

M, T, W, Th, F - 7:00AM-7:45AM


After School Care

M, T, Th, F - 3:15PM - 5:45PM

Wed - 2:15PM - 5:45PM

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