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Jody M. Litchford, Esq.


Attorney with a B.A. in Psychology and J.D., currently Deputy City Attorney for the City of Orlando, with many years of experience in working with youth-related community groups, including experience volunteering with the Hyde Schools.


Hal K. Litchford, Esq.


Attorney with over 30 years of experience in complex commercial business and litigation as well as experience with the Hyde Schools.


Kathleen Russell

Parent Representative

Director of the City of Orlando Office of Community Collaborations, with a Master’s Degree in Counseling and experience as a guidance counselor with an emphasis on juvenile rehabilitation, a juvenile justice planner and grant writer.

Ms. Russell is a parents’ representative on the Board. Please feel free to contact her with any significant issues (407-246-3094 or email at The Board will be glad to consider matters that you are unable to resolve with the Principal.


Pete Folch

Board Member

​​Owner/Principal Professional Speaker & Coach - Second Wind-Finish Strong, Inc. ; a versatile and experienced learning and leadership development consultant.


Clara Walters, Ed.D.

Board Chair

Retired OCPS Senior Director of Secondary Education, former Middle School and High School Principal and Educational Consultant with more than forty years of experience in education; first African American female secondary school principal and first permanent female high school principal in OCPS history.

Dr. Walters is a parents’ representative on the Board. Please feel free to contact her with any significant issues (407-480-2352 or email at The Board will be glad to consider matters that you are unable to resolve with the Principal.


Jéan E. Wilson, Esq.

Board Member, Treasurer

Attorney with 25 years of experience in public finance; has served on the Board of Visitors of Florida A&M University School of Law, the Board of Directors of the YMCA Black Achievers Program, and the Valencia Community College Foundation.


Kevin L. Ballinger

Board Member

Businessman with over 20 years of experience as a Senior Executive Official with the US Government and major corporations.  Former Senior Manager/Director with OCPS, former Lt. Commander in the US Navy and active in numerous community organizations.



Main School: 407.480.CFLA (407.480.2352)

427 N. Primrose Drive, Orlando, FL 32803

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Bell Schedule

M, T, Th, F  8:15AM - 3:15PM

Wed  8:15AM - 2:15PM


Before School Care

M, T, W, Th, F - 7:00AM-7:45AM


After School Care

M, T, Th, F - 3:15PM - 5:45PM

Wed - 2:15PM - 5:45PM

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