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CFLA enrolls families, not just students. We believe that the home is the primary classroom and parents are the primary teachers. Parents of CFLA students must commit to a partnership with the school, which includes participating in our family education programs and two weekend parent meetings each year. Parents and faculty are expected to engage in the same curriculum of personal growth that CFLA students embrace.

CFLA families

Parenting Principles:

1. Truth Over Harmony

2. Principles Over Rules

3. Attitude Over Aptitude

4. Set High Expectations and Let Go of the Outcomes

5. Value Success and Failure

6. Allowing Obstacles to Become Opportunities

7. Talking Hold and Letting Go

8. Create a Character Culture

9. Humility to Ask for and Receive Help

10. Inspiration: Job #1

Priority #1 - Truth Over Harmony

We all want honest families. We also want everyone to get along. Which do we want more? This priority calls upon parents to put the weight of their feet on the side of truth.

Priority #2 - Principles Over Rules

We tend to apply rules when things are starting to spin out of control. (e.g., “There is no eating in THAT room, either!”) Rules must be guided by deep principles.

Priority #3 - Attitude Over Aptitude

Schools, families, and society, in general, would be much healthier if we valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and character over talent. Parents often send the message that successful outcomes are more important than honest efforts.

Priority #4 - Set High Expectations and Let Go of the Outcomes

Discipline alone will not properly raise our children. We need to aim high with our expectations and resist “lowering the bar” when we sense that our children are having difficulty achieving success. Letting go of the outcome allows our children to take responsibility for their actions.

Priority #5 - Values Success and Failure

Today's parents have a hard time letting their children fail. Success is important, but failure can teach powerful lifelong lessons leading to profound personal growth.

Priority #6 - Allowing Obstacles to Become Opportunities

We can get caught up in trying to “fix” our children's problems (e.g., disagreements with their teachers, coaches, etc.) instead of seeing the potential for positive learning opportunities.

Priority #7 - Taking Hold and Letting Go

It is hard to watch our children struggle with life's challenges. When should we step in? When should we step away? This is one of the toughest parenting dilemmas.

Priority #8 - Create a Character Culture

This priority can help parents create an atmosphere of character in the home through the application of a three-point plan: a daily job, a weekly family meeting, and a concept called “mandatory fun.”

Priority #9 - Humility to Ask for and Receive Help

While parents focus on helping their children, many avoid asking others for help. Consequently, they raise children who do not ask for help.

Priority #10 -Inspiration: Job #1

Regardless of what they might say or do, teens share a deep yearning to be inspired by their parents. Ironically, we will not inspire our children with our achievements. We best inspire them when we share our struggles, reach for our best, and model daily character.

Main School: 407.480.CFLA (407.480.2352)

427 N. Primrose Drive, Orlando, FL 32803

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Bell Schedule

M, T, Th, F  8:15AM - 3:15PM

Wed  8:15AM - 2:15PM


Before School Care

M, T, W, Th, F - 7:00AM-7:45AM


After School Care

M, T, Th, F - 3:15PM - 5:45PM

Wed - 2:15PM - 5:45PM

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